The Power of Journaling

January 5, 2011
Before you can achieve your potential, you have got to make strides on identifying that one thing which you could work at every single day of your life. I am not a person who believes in chance. I once saw a roulette wheel come up black 14 consecutive times. Figure out the odds on that one? I believe we are here for a purpose and part of our task through living is to determine that purpose. Dreams are one tool given to us, built right into the DNA of every living person to help us identify our life's purpose. And there are examples all around us of others who are living life fully, others who have discovered their purpose.

It is not uncommon to have difficulty finding one's purpose, finding our potential. The concept of reincarnation and multiple lives for our friends in the Buddhist faith seems to be a reasonable explanation to why many of us live our entire life never finding our purpose. It is after all, the quintessential question on this planet, "Why are we here?" I want more than anything for you to find your potential but first I have to help you better organize your dreams, and proper organization begins with tools. Just think about it, any master artist: carpenter, craftsperson, surgeon has a myriad of tools at their disposal chisels, brushes, hammers, nails. Even the surgeon has a scalpel or cutting instrument of every shape and size.

I want to encourage you to expand your tool-box for organizing and identifying dreams. This is where achieving our potential begins. One of the most powerful tools for self-examination and understanding is journaling. If you want a better you, a life more fulfilling, full of happiness and joy, that sense of accomplishment every single day then get yourself a journal. All of the major booksellers have an entire section of empty journals ready for you to fill up. These journals are beautiful, and pricey so remember that once you start journaling that book is eventurally going to fill up and need to be replaced. If cost is an issue, and most book store journals are in the line of $9-$20, go with an effective inexpensive substitute. A very basic journal book can be picked up from Staples, Walmart or Target for as little as .99 cents. For the books that I write, I use these low cost journals and 3 of them filled up completely, equals a 70,000 word book.

So commit to yourself, begin journaling today. Sandy Grason wrote a wonderful book entitled Journalution: Journaling to Awaken Your Inner Voice, Heal Your Life and Manifest Your Dreams. I recommend you read this book, and watch the interview posted below. You can follow this link to her book here

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January 5, 2011

The Power of Journaling

Before you can achieve your potential, you have got to make strides on identifying that one thing which you could work at every single day of your life. I am not a person who believes in chance. I once saw a roulette wheel come up black 14 consecutive times. Figure out the odds on that one? I believe we are here for a purpose and part of our task through living is to determine that purpose. Dreams are one tool given to us, built right into the DNA of every living person to help us identify our life's purpose. And there are examples all around us of others who are living life fully, others who have discovered their purpose.

It is not uncommon to have difficulty finding one's purpose, finding our potential. The concept of reincarnation and multiple lives for our friends in the Buddhist faith seems to be a reasonable explanation to why many of us live our entire life never finding our purpose. It is after all, the quintessential question on this planet, "Why are we here?" I want more than anything for you to find your potential but first I have to help you better organize your dreams, and proper organization begins with tools. Just think about it, any master artist: carpenter, craftsperson, surgeon has a myriad of tools at their disposal chisels, brushes, hammers, nails. Even the surgeon has a scalpel or cutting instrument of every shape and size.

I want to encourage you to expand your tool-box for organizing and identifying dreams. This is where achieving our potential begins. One of the most powerful tools for self-examination and understanding is journaling. If you want a better you, a life more fulfilling, full of happiness and joy, that sense of accomplishment every single day then get yourself a journal. All of the major booksellers have an entire section of empty journals ready for you to fill up. These journals are beautiful, and pricey so remember that once you start journaling that book is eventurally going to fill up and need to be replaced. If cost is an issue, and most book store journals are in the line of $9-$20, go with an effective inexpensive substitute. A very basic journal book can be picked up from Staples, Walmart or Target for as little as .99 cents. For the books that I write, I use these low cost journals and 3 of them filled up completely, equals a 70,000 word book.

So commit to yourself, begin journaling today. Sandy Grason wrote a wonderful book entitled Journalution: Journaling to Awaken Your Inner Voice, Heal Your Life and Manifest Your Dreams. I recommend you read this book, and watch the interview posted below. You can follow this link to her book here